Holiday Schedule Print





Pick Up Day

New Year’s Day



Closed Monday. Service for the week will be delayed by one day. Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.

Memorial Day



Closed Monday. Service for the week will be delayed by one day. Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.

4th of July



Closed Friday. Service for the rest of the week will be delayed by one day. Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.

Labor Day



Closed Monday. Service for the week will be delayed by one day. Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.

Thanksgiving Day



Closed Thursday. Service for Thursday will be collected on Friday. Service for Friday will be collected on Saturday.

Christmas Day



Closed Thursday. Service for the week will be delayed by one day. Friday customers will be collected on Saturday.

New Year's Day Wednesday 1/1/26

Closed Thursday. Service for the week will be delayed by one day. Friday service will be collected on Saturday.


Customer Information Guide


Residential Payment Schedule is Net 30 days. New Customer payments due within two weeks of start date. If timely payments are not posted you may experience an interruption in service.

Commercial Payment Schedule is Net 15 days.

Late Fee on account balances is $10.00 per month.



Tires - No longer accepted. Contact LCSWMA for disposal arrangements. Call 717-397-9968 for hours of operation.

Trash & Recycle – Must be OUT THE NIGHT BEFORE your scheduled collection day..

  • Cardboard is now accepted along with your recycle, as long all trash is removed. Styrofoam is NOT currently an accepted item for recycle.
  • Dumpster Customers – Snow must be plowed to allow access to the dumpster. Lane must be at least 2 feet wider on each side of the dumpster with no snow build up in front of the dumpster.
  • Ashes should be put in a metal bucket, please be sure the ashes are completely cool to prevent trash truck fires.
  • Grass, Dirt, Stones and general debris should not be mixed with your trash. Trash is delivered to the Incinerator and construction/yard debris can not be burned.
  • Special item removal such as appliances, bulk materials like car parts, furniture, etc. should be scheduled by calling our office.
  • TV’s can not be taken with your normal trash collection. You may deliver them to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility at 1299 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster FREE OF CHARGE. Call 717-397-9968 for hours of operation.

Hazardous Material such as liquid paint, batteries, lawn pesticides, insulin needles, etc. should be delivered to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility at 1299 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster.

Customers please keep your containers covered. If you don’t have a lid please put drain holes in your cans. This helps keep trash from becoming wet and heavy. During the cold months trash will freeze in the containers which may limit disposal capacity.


Roll-off containers are available for your bulk trash removal needs or special construction projects. Call our office at 684-3147 for rates.



$$$$ RECYCLE MATERIALS are less expensive to dispose of than trash. We encourage ALL CUSTOMERS to recycle as much as possible in an effort to minimize rate changes. If you currently are not recycling please call our office and we will help you to get started.


Refer a new customer and receive a $25 credit on your account, per referral!




717-684-3147             100 Deascenti Dr.  Columbia, PA 17512