Curbside Recycling
"The Big 4"
1. Metal and beverage containers.
2. Plastic bottles and jugs that have a neck.(No caps)

3. Glass bottles and jars.

4. Corrugated cardboard.

*These items will no longer be accepted*

Beginning 1/24/13 PA passed a law called the Covered Devices Recycling Act.
This prohibits residents from disposing of covered devices as trash. (Which means, your trashman is not allowed to take these items curbside)
Covered devices include desktop computers, laptops, monitors, computer peripherals (keyboard, mouse, printer and speakers), televisions, and e-readers that browse the
internet. They DO NOT include cell phones, motor vehicle componenets, appliance components or items such as handheld calculators, PDSs, MP3 players or similar devices.
As a resident of Lancaster County you can dispose of these items at the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority's Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility,
located at 1299 Harrisburg Pike in Lancaster, PA. The HHW Facility will accept a maximum of 10 units per visit, per day from Lancater county residents and businesses. Visit
www.lcswma.org to learn more.
717-684-3147 100 Deacenti Dr. Columbia, PA 17512